The Volume of Book Concerning You!

Sometimes as Christians we may be bothered by other people’s successes especially if they are not believers. But we must remember the words of GOD Himself to His children in

Joshua 1:8 “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” KJV Bible

Joshua 1:8 “This Book of the Law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night, that you may observe and do according to all that is written in it. For then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall deal wisely and have good success.” Amplified Bible

Sometimes it is easier to think that we understand this particular scripture just because we have heard sermons or exhortations with regards to this verse or because we claim we know it by heart.

This verse holds more truth than we know and we pray that the Holy Spirit enlightens us the more. Still, it is good we know these. We must be careful in studying the scripture. Some people claim to understand the scripture only to have it wrongly understood. Hence, we must always first say a little word of prayer that GOD makes His Word a light in our hearts and grant us understanding by the help of His Holy Spirit.

Also, embedded in the Word of GOD are various outstanding life principles effective in different areas of our lives. For personal development, overcoming bad habits, rules and principles regarding business that you can learn from people’s lives and inspired proverbs, how to deal with human relationship and friends, making future plans, making choices on marriage and home building, developing spiritual gifts and all kinds of affairs. The bible is so complete but also entwined in mystery which can only be made known and understood by the Holy Spirit.

Most importantly, following GOD and by His grace carefully obeying His words and applying His principles is the way to being prosperous and the only way to having ‘good’ success. The bible carefully emphasizes the word ‘good’. It could have been omitted but it wasn’t. It was purposefully imprinted in this verse.

There are so many in the world today that we look up to and admire; those that we tag successful but to GOD aren’t having good success. If there is good success, then there must be bad success. We hear and might have even seen people around us who seem to have everything; fulfilled dreams, lots of money, position, affluence and influence but back in their closet and in the corners of the minds are frugal, sad, unfulfilled and depressed. Truly, lacking in wholeness.

Only JESUS can make you whole and complete but that’s not enough. We have to follow His instruction, drop our own yoke and carry His. This means we still have a part to play.

To be successful, we must follow the bible’s teaching to be diligent and not lazy, be prayerful and watchful, listen to the Holy Spirit as He tells and impresses in our hearts and minds the things GOD has for us. We forgive and overlook people’s weakness yet being careful to observe people’s actions, and flee from appearances of evil. To fellowship with GOD’s people while still individually running our race.

There is a volume of book written concerning everyone of us.

GOD’s plan for us is to prosper, not plans to make perish. Living a fulfilled life is not just about living a godly life yet being ignorant of GOD’s purpose and plan for your life. No, that’s not it.

JESUS the Messiah could have still lived as a respected prophet in Israel and lived to ripe old age if He was ignorant of GOD’s plan for His life. His life took a turning point when He received the Holy Spirit. Remember that He had been a godly child since He was young going to the temple and amazing the people and scribes with His understanding of the scripture.

He fulfilled His purpose by His intimate fellowship with the Holy Spirit, discerning and doing things before and after prayerfully seeking GOD, dutifully studying the scripture, trusting and thanking the Father in all circumstances, preaching the gospel of truth in word, thoughts and deeds, and remembering the eternal goal of finally staying with Him where He is.

My friend, please remember that it is not just about living a godly life but in actual fact, living the fulfilled life. Living as GOD our Potter has written in the volume of Book concerning you. Don’t be ignorant, you also have a part to play in the Kingdom that must be revealed by the LORD Himself to you. Seek Him to reveal His plan and purpose for your life.

We pray that as He does reveal the you that He sees you as, He will also grant you grace to walk in His plan and purpose without you pursuing it with the wrong motive, and grant you with peace and strength to finish well.

Many at times, when I see on obituary columns ‘Celebrating a fulfilled life!’, I think to myself and say for a truth that only GOD and such person who is gone knows if he or she truly lived a fulfilled life.

When GOD decides to call you at a ripe old age, between you and Him, can it really be concluded that you unraveled all as written in the volume of book concerning you?

Truly, my friend there is a book with your name in heaven. We would love to see you in GOD’s glory. If GOD be for you, who can be against you? You can do all things through Christ who strengthens us all. Cheers, pals!

Lesson learnt from Matthew 4:1-10

Here are some of the lessons I learnt by the help of Holy Spirit, my Papa from Matthew 4:1-10

Be gentle, forgiven and speak less after fasting because that’s when the real tempt comes.

The devil tempts us by our lust; what we truly want or what we think we want.
It’s in human nature to want to prove our worth. It’s in the devil’s nature to want to use that desire it against us.

The devil truly knows that there is power in the tongue. He could have told JESUS to change or make the stones become bread but he said tell, command. He knew He was not a sorcerer but of GOD.

We are sustained in life not just by the physical things we need; but by spiritual things put in place by GOD Himself.

No wonder Romans 8:14 says If GOD be for us, who can be against us? Hence, if GOD allows a person to cease from living, having all the physical necessities like food are not enough to keep Him alive and well. Father has the final say.

When you see the human body as related in the scripture, it is likened to a temple. The pinnacle of the temple is the head. The devil quoted a reasonable scripture to JESUS trying to manipulate His head and in simultaneously His mind. The goal was to let His human mind do the work for him.

No wonder the bible tells us that though we are to be quick to hear, we should be slow to anger and slow to response.

Being slow to response doesn’t make to stupid. It in actual fact lets us be patient to hear the voice of GOD, discern the words spoken to us and give better judgement in our responses.

Amazingly, JESUS discerned his foul play not leaning to his head or mind but His spirit, He gave the devil the best response. Because the word of GOD is forever true and His more than able to do as He promises, there is no need to foolishly put Him to the test. That will be a sin on His part.

I believe as the Holy Spirit has taught me that if JESUS had done any of what the devil had asked Him to do, the real sin would have been He obeying and succumbing to the commands of the devil. They might have looked like requests or suggestions but we know the devil is a liar. His real aim was to give a command and be obeyed just as GOD our Father. JESUS said to him. On the other hand, it is written also,

Matthew 4:8 “You shall not tempt, test thoroughly, or try exceedingly the Lord your God.” The Amplified Version

First, the word of GOD tells us in

Psalms 24:1 “The world and all that is in it belong to the Lord; the earth and all who live on it are His”. GNT Version

Doing what the devil says would distort the surety JESUS had in GOD as written in Psalms 91 to those who continue to stay in GOD and worship and hallow Him.

Established that the devil is a liar, the world originally belongs to GOD, GOD gave the dominion to man which he lost in Genesis to the trickery of the devil. JESUS came to take it back to Himself and bless it back to His body. The devil knew this and wanted to subdue the only Saviour man had to regain back his dominion. But again JESUS made us realise our love for GOD must exceed and prevail in all things.

We can’t serve GOD and mammon. We’ve got to choose one!

JESUS placed GOD above dominion, power, fame, wealth, honour, reverence and riches. Teaching us to always choose and reverence our Father above all else. Remembering that He is the giver of all good things and to them, He adds no sorrow unlike the devil who gives only to take more than one can give.

Also, an essential detail we learn from JESUS is that we are the one to command the devil on what to do and he must obey in the name of the LORD. This states the fact that the devil is beneath us and can not stay in front nor hinder GOD’s work nor should he been given honour to. Get behind me devil. GOD first, the man, the devil must always be behind and not be allowed to come between GOD and us.

The most important thing was that the devil left.

GOD was exceeding glad with JESUS’ loyalty and love for Him He sent angels to help Him and reward Him.

Stay encouraged, stay strong and stay safe.

You are greater than you think you are!

Poem of Love

A pleasing sight I saw
The hope for me is come
From heaven came the lad
Who all my sins bore

The fragrance of His light
The power in His Name
Authority can’t deny for in fright
their subjected to His blood

All for me a ‘bruis-y’ scene
To convince me not compel me
To redeem me not to judge me
To help me not to hate me

Oh a wonder, love unmeasured
Christ my wonder and strong desire
He is seams me in His wonder
Pure love, heaven shown
The greatest deity I’ll ever know

Disclaimer: Poem of Love is a written copyright of My Christian Life blog by H.S&P.M 08.01.2021.

A New Year

Let’s celebrate!

Isaiah 6:1 “In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord. He was sitting on his throne, high and exalted, and his robe filled the whole Temple.” GNT Bible

In that year that Uzziah died, there was a new beginning in Isaiah’s life. Though he was a prophet of GOD and had been giving prophecies based on GOD’s instruction, the bible distinctly made us realise that that happening was a remarkable one in Isaiah’s life as a person and as a servant of GOD.

In this new year 2021, and with the passing away of year 2020, we are confident that GOD will reveal Himself to each one of us as we have never seen before. LORD, Let our minds and hearts see You as You truly are and let it be revealed to us, our true purpose as a person and our true calling in Christ JESUS, Amen.

I believe that we are entering into an exceptional year packed with plenty of goodness by our Heavenly Father and we will see great and mighty testimonies happen to you, His church and the nations of the earth.
Don’t be downcast with all that happened in 2020 if it wasn’t so peasant for you!

The bible commands us to rejoice because He is a Waymaker and a Faithful Promise Keeper.

Psalms 126:1-2 “When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Then it was said among the nations, “The Lord has done great things for them.” NIV Bible

This year we pronounce this blessing by the leading of the Holy Spirit as did our Father Isaac did:

Genesis 27:28-29 “May GOD give you dew from heaven and make your fields fertile! May He give you plenty of grain and wine! May nations be your servants, and may peoples bow down before you. May you rule over all your relatives, and may your mother’s descendants bow down before you. May those who curse you be cursed, and may those who bless you be blessed.” GNT Bible

We know fields are not just farmlands but anything that has the potential to sustain you, be it a business, talents and others.

In this new year, learn to trust GOD more while taking everything to Him in prayer. Keep away from complaining and worrying because they give headaches and suck people’s blood dry. Like seriously, they affect not just your mind, but your everything. Stay in the attitude of praise and hope; the force that keeps you there is by studying the Word of GOD.

You should also along side the Bible, read books written by strong Christian authors who by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit have been guided to teach and write the truth. You can ask the Holy Spirit for help on which book to start with. By doing this, you are not only on your way to a ‘growing-you’, you are also developing your intimacy with the Holy Spirit when asking for help. It helps more if you take a chapter of the book per day in spite of its total chapter. Yes, it is allowed, lol.

Taking a chapter per day helps if you are not really a reader or struggling to get started. Taking it at a stretch can be a little discouraging. Trust me, I know. This is how Holy Spirit, my loving Papa has helped me cultivate a reading habit. I do it when I wake up after my morning prayer and talk with Him, a chapter per day!

The bright light. Don’t give up on GOD because He will never give up on you no matter how far you’ve gone.

So stay close child because it is time to fly!

We are so excited and grateful we all made it to a new year!

Happy New Year friend!

Coral of Truth! If I could rap


Looking back now thinking about seasoned times;
Through bad, through good and all those gifted times;
Hope was lost then regained never loved those days
When it felt like I was trapped and still under the spell of what it says;
Maybe I didn’t, maybe I wouldn’t
Of course I lied, truth be told, I totally did it;
Falling flat face down, had lost all my glory crown;
Someone save me before these meanies eat me up alive…


Then I see a hand from heaven;
A voice called my name;
I bring out this day into My place He said, you’re not alone and will never be;
If He hadn’t helped I still would have been under;
His light came, shone and I’m defended and reformed


Through the years from whence was saved LORD you overwhelmed me;
With Your love so strong I’m thinking about when we;
Prayed together, talked together, played together, dreamed together;
And no else really truly matter;
For you are my present help, Saviour and my hope and stay; There ain’t no false tale;
Deep down I was hurt, you filled the void inside;
Seemed like you were what I needed in those darkened days;
Nevertheless it doesn’t matter now you are here to stay;
Thank You JESUS you are the master in all Your ways


Dark clouds thought it ought not let me go;
Shadows, scorpions and the snakes vented to finish the goal;
But all around me host of angels JESUS the King has set before me;
A table filled with things of honour and dominion so no enemy can ever harm me;


I pledged me life to JESUS no I ain’t going back;
In Him there is forever none I lack;
Simply to stand before the King I would proudly sing;
In the midst of heavenly choir let the Hallelujah ring;
Glory Hallelujah praise my GOD, Father, LORD with Psalm;
Power, honour and majesty all to the Lamb
The devil is defeated there’s no more mount to climb;
Love the home of heaven where all my brethren are;
Still I must the fulfill the calling to spread peace on earth go far

Songwriter: H.S&P.M

Coral of Truth! is a property of My Christian Life blog and subject to the authorisation of the copyrights by H.S&P.M 28.12.2020.

Being the Leader We were Created to be

It is a common saying, true to its roots:

Readers are Leaders and Leaders are Readers

I believe that it is with this prospect that our loving Father commands us in Joshua 1:8 to ensure that we relentlessly continue to study, mediate and live by His Holy Word which He has given us so we continue to prosper in all things.

GOD loves us so much that we discover in the book of Revelations 19:13 that JESUS the KING of Kings and LORD of Lords is the potent Word of GOD that transforms our lives.

Living this life as He teaches by His Holy Spirit will help us to become the divine born leader we always were meant to be (Gen. 1:28)

Psalms 82:6 I said, ‘You are “gods”; you are all sons of the Most High.’ NIV Bible

1 Peter 2:9 “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.” NIV Bible

Deuteronomy 28:13 ”The LORD your God will make you the leader among the nations and not a follower; you will always prosper and never fail if you obey faithfully all his commands that I am giving you today.” GNT Bible

So we must be unforgettable to remember that the Bible is the Spirit’s Sword and no one can teach us to wield it as He does.

To truly live as leaders, we must learn from the Master; the Holy Spirit whom we must receive (if you are yet to) and daily fellowship with Him diligently (Prov. 22:29).

All sons of GOD (Romans 8:14) are leaders. We need to live as who our Father sees us as. Never be discouraged! Remembering that Greater is He that is in you, than he that is in the world (1 John 4:4). He thinks highly of you.

You are uniquely different, the perfect you. Embrace who you are in Christ JESUS, Friends.

If you haven’t already received the Holy Spirit, you can now. Yes, even right now. Just as our Father has freely given His Son and we receive JESUS as our LORD and Saviour, so also we should receive His Spirit whom He chose to give to us freely, His wonderful gift to us. No tarrying, no ignorant seeking because actually, it is He who is waiting for you. He has been right there all along.

All we have to do is ‘come and drink’.

When GOD says Yes…

GOD understands all we are going through. The joy in the good times, the struggle in the trying times, the grief in the mourning times, the laugh in the celebrations, the blue in the sad times. GOD is Yea and Amen.

Mark 11:24 “Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them”. KJV Bible

Still, there are times when GOD says no for different reasons:

Deuteronomy 3:26 “ “But because of you people the Lord was angry with me and would not listen. Instead, he said, ‘That’s enough! Don’t mention this again!” GNT Bible
2 Corinthians 8-9 “Three times I prayed to the Lord about this and asked him to take it away. But His answer was: “My grace is all you need, for my power is greatest when you are weak.” I am most happy, then, to be proud of my weaknesses, in order to feel the protection of Christ’s power over me”. GNT Bible

Does that mean GOD can’t answer all prayers? No, it just emphasizes that He is a GOD of principles and order. The most important for us as His children is to ask according to His will.

James 4:3 “When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures”. NIV Bible
1 John 5: 14-15 “And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us; And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him”. KJV Bible

This is why it is extremely important that we let the Spirit of Truth guide and lead us in our quest to pray.

Prayer is a crucial fundamental component of every christian life.

Romans 8: 26-27 “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And He who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God”. NIV Bible

I admonish us friends not to pray alone when we already have help. May be you have been asking amiss, maybe not, obeying instructions giving during prayer is very important. Once the Holy Spirit told me not to be too quick to leave after prayer.

Communication is not complete without feedback.

Pray and listen for what to do. Or it could be the flooding of peace, relieve and joy over your soul indicating answered prayers.
GOD does hear every prayer but wouldn’t it best to seek from the LORD by the LORD?

How could He refuse the prayer offered by Himself?

If you have not received Christ into your heart, you hold the key to Him coming in. Just welcome Him to come and abide in you, He will come in as the Trinity. We gladly welcome you into the family of our Great King. A family filled with and of signs and wonders, birthed by GOD Himself.

An Amazing Birth!

Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future!
The birth that thought first of me and you rather than the child Himself, a perfect fulfillment that dazed even the angels’ faces and made them sing Hosanna with an amazing zeal, a marvelous event that changed the entire course of not only human race but the whole of creation such that even when it did took place still seemed like an everyday scenario, an epitome of love that graces my face with unending waves of joy and cause me wishing I was among the choir of angels on that fateful day!

Isaiah 9:6 “For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father [of Eternity], Prince of Peace”.

The Amplified Bible Version

Yet in that manager, in that which animals lived, was born the Saviour of the world; righteous and true, lowly and mild; a child like any other but conceived of the Holy Spirit. The beloved of our Father; His Son in whom He is well pleased had descended down to earth and left all His glory and majesty behind. Still, He could not be denied the honour He truly deserved.

The wise men of the east brought Him earthly fortune presaging His Kingship – the gold, His Priesthood hence His service before our GOD – the frankincense, and His suffering, crucifixion and death – Myrrh that would later translate Him into greater glory and dominion to give life to all who will receive Him. He bore the sins of the world, yet He Himself hadn’t sinned. Now to our Father be the glory, we have an everlasting life through His Son, JESUS.

Here comes that word again:
Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future!

This is not the best of yourself. There is more in you. You made mistakes; let it become your past. Don’t hang on to it for too long. It’s time you let it go. It is not who you are. It’s not who you were met to be. It’s also not the only thing you can be. Never believe the lies that creep in your head. You truly can be better, saved, transformed, freed, bolder, wiser, more loved and fulfilling, my friend. You truly can be. I know I became so.

We would like you to receive this great gift given by our Father for He cares for you.

Acts 4:11-12 “This [Jesus] is the Stone which was despised and rejected by you, the builders, but which has become the Head of the corner [the Cornerstone]. And there is salvation in and through no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by and in which we must be saved”.

The Amplified Bible Version

When JESUS is in you, we say there is a King in you. Why then should you settle for less? Why should you give in to failure or hard times? Why should you say I am alone in this world? Why should you think this is the best you can be when the Great King JESUS is in you?

He is waiting on you to receive Him. He is standing right in front of you today. I implore you to let Him in pal, to help you see more and all you can be. (SMILES)

Written by: H.S&P.M

Help is on the Way, Child!

Are you constantly watching over your shoulders what’s to hit from behind, are there incessant pricking in your heart that produce sharp pains fed by grieves and worries, daring headaches borne from the fears and confusion, and/or dejected from watching everyone else’s progress while you seem stuck?

Hold still! His hand is beneath your chin child to raise your head up high. A smile upon our Saviour’s face. The LORD speaks and He says,

“It is alright Child. I’m still right here. I’ll hold your hands. You can cry on me! I do understand and I’ll help and bring you out. You are beautifully broken. I’ll make you whole again. Take my hands, let’s walk this night time in my Light. I’ll never leave you and never forsake you. Trust in me and let me show the greatness yet unveiled. Heed my words and I’ll keep your smile.”

John 16:33 “These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.” KJV Bible

Isaiah 41: 10 “So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” NIV Bible

GOD will never leave us comfortless. Yes He said this to us: I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you – John 14:18 (KJV Bible). Let Holy Spirit be the shoulder you rest on, the hands you hold so tight, the person that you pour out every honest thought emotions to. He is not only for the beautiful times. He is also here when we feel we just can’t take it anymore. Many things happen that we as humans can’t explain but we know GOD makes beauty of ashes, celebration out gloom, strength out of weakness, and help out of the shadows.

You are never alone and you will never be.
His name is EMMANUEL – GOD With Us.

Some songs that Holy Spirit used to help me through those times that could bless you too while there many other, GOD is more than capable of using:

1. I am what you see by Bishop Paul Morton 2. Potter by Tamela Mann
3. Be still by Travis Greene
4. I am by Eddie James

Anguish or Fearsome?

One is sad doesn’t mean that is the end. One is angry doesn’t mean one has solved a mystery. Both don’t answer the question why and both don’t produce a solution either.
My friend, anger can lead to destruction, enmity, and death. Similarly fear to cowardice, failure and death. Friend, be strong. Dive in to the Word of GOD; study it and mediate on it (Proverbs 3:21-26). Guard your heart; rule your world. Let not the devil overturn you.

2 Timothy 1:7 “ for GOD hath not given us the Spirit of fear; but of power, and of love and of a sound mind.” KJV Bible

You have dominion. Be not afraid nor anxious, and as much as you can also be not angry; exercise self-control. But even if you do get angry, let it not lead you to sin (Ephesians 4:26).

Fear accomplishes nothing but courage gives you wings to fly.

H.S and P.M

Anger destroys a lot of things, even everything but self control can resolve and restore a lot of things.
Both fear and anger can not be compared with the bliss, ease and peace that encapsulates us when we are patient and put our confidence, trust and faith in the LORD JESUS to reward us, to vindicate us (Romans 12:17-19, Isaiah 54:17), to help and strengthened us with His victorious right hand (Isaiah 41:10). For this saying is true to its root:

If GOD be for us, who can be against us?

My friend let go of the pain, let go of the resentment, let go of the worries,let go of the depression. He is faithful and true to help you. You are truly free when you let go of all these things and forgive all who have hurt you. Be like our Father! He forgave us in spite of our own sins. (SMILES)

JESUS is waiting at the door of your heart today. Would you let Him in? We guarantee that you will never be the same again, if you would honestly let Him in.

Written by: H.S and P.M