Lesson learnt from Matthew 4:1-10

Here are some of the lessons I learnt by the help of Holy Spirit, my Papa from Matthew 4:1-10

Be gentle, forgiven and speak less after fasting because that’s when the real tempt comes.

The devil tempts us by our lust; what we truly want or what we think we want.
It’s in human nature to want to prove our worth. It’s in the devil’s nature to want to use that desire it against us.

The devil truly knows that there is power in the tongue. He could have told JESUS to change or make the stones become bread but he said tell, command. He knew He was not a sorcerer but of GOD.

We are sustained in life not just by the physical things we need; but by spiritual things put in place by GOD Himself.

No wonder Romans 8:14 says If GOD be for us, who can be against us? Hence, if GOD allows a person to cease from living, having all the physical necessities like food are not enough to keep Him alive and well. Father has the final say.

When you see the human body as related in the scripture, it is likened to a temple. The pinnacle of the temple is the head. The devil quoted a reasonable scripture to JESUS trying to manipulate His head and in simultaneously His mind. The goal was to let His human mind do the work for him.

No wonder the bible tells us that though we are to be quick to hear, we should be slow to anger and slow to response.

Being slow to response doesn’t make to stupid. It in actual fact lets us be patient to hear the voice of GOD, discern the words spoken to us and give better judgement in our responses.

Amazingly, JESUS discerned his foul play not leaning to his head or mind but His spirit, He gave the devil the best response. Because the word of GOD is forever true and His more than able to do as He promises, there is no need to foolishly put Him to the test. That will be a sin on His part.

I believe as the Holy Spirit has taught me that if JESUS had done any of what the devil had asked Him to do, the real sin would have been He obeying and succumbing to the commands of the devil. They might have looked like requests or suggestions but we know the devil is a liar. His real aim was to give a command and be obeyed just as GOD our Father. JESUS said to him. On the other hand, it is written also,

Matthew 4:8 “You shall not tempt, test thoroughly, or try exceedingly the Lord your God.” The Amplified Version

First, the word of GOD tells us in

Psalms 24:1 “The world and all that is in it belong to the Lord; the earth and all who live on it are His”. GNT Version

Doing what the devil says would distort the surety JESUS had in GOD as written in Psalms 91 to those who continue to stay in GOD and worship and hallow Him.

Established that the devil is a liar, the world originally belongs to GOD, GOD gave the dominion to man which he lost in Genesis to the trickery of the devil. JESUS came to take it back to Himself and bless it back to His body. The devil knew this and wanted to subdue the only Saviour man had to regain back his dominion. But again JESUS made us realise our love for GOD must exceed and prevail in all things.

We can’t serve GOD and mammon. We’ve got to choose one!

JESUS placed GOD above dominion, power, fame, wealth, honour, reverence and riches. Teaching us to always choose and reverence our Father above all else. Remembering that He is the giver of all good things and to them, He adds no sorrow unlike the devil who gives only to take more than one can give.

Also, an essential detail we learn from JESUS is that we are the one to command the devil on what to do and he must obey in the name of the LORD. This states the fact that the devil is beneath us and can not stay in front nor hinder GOD’s work nor should he been given honour to. Get behind me devil. GOD first, the man, the devil must always be behind and not be allowed to come between GOD and us.

The most important thing was that the devil left.

GOD was exceeding glad with JESUS’ loyalty and love for Him He sent angels to help Him and reward Him.

Stay encouraged, stay strong and stay safe.

You are greater than you think you are!

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